Meet me

Hello! I am Tunde, a reesearch student at Insight Centre, Data Science Institute, University of Galway.

My work and research

My research is in Natural Language Processing, with a focus on dialogue systems.

My background and history

I earned my postgraduate degree in Computer Science from African University of Science and Technology, Abuja. I participated in the African Masters of Machine Intelligence (AMMI) programme. I also worked remotely as a NLP Engineer with Proto, an AI company that use chatbots to improve customer experience. My undergraduate programme was in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Federal University of Technology, Minna.

My intellectual communities

I belong to some super cool groups - Black in AI, Masakhane, AI Saturdays Abuja, International Society for Knowledge Organisation, West Africa (ISKO-WA). I also belong to some communities, trying to contribute to social good in my own little way. I have participated in many conferences/workshops/summits, mostly virtual.